销毁 25% torn 供应并将空投分发给质押者




  1. 销毁治理合约内分配的 25% TORN 供应量(约 2,500,000 TORN),使 TORN 稀缺并免受治理攻击。
  2. 为本提案投票者和质押者分配独家新交易所代币空投。

目前,治理合约上的 TORN 供应对于 DAO 操作来说是不必要的,这增加了黑客针对治理的风险。为了防止进一步的治理攻击,并通过移除大部分供应来使 TORN 变得更加稀缺,我们相信这可能会提高 TORN 的价值。

此外,如果对该提案投赞成票,您将获得即将推出的以 TORN 为中心的 dex 交易所的空投,这可能有助于建立一个去中心化的、不受审查的交易所,并维持社区拥有的流动性。

燃烧 2,500,000 TORN

大约 55% 的供应量( 5,500,000 TORN )已分配给治理,目前,治理控制着 47% 的供应量( 4,700,000 TORN )。由于分配给治理的供应量没有作用,如果供应量在当前市场上流通,很可能只会稀释 TORN 的市场价值。因此,我们建议从合约中当前未锁定的 25% 供应量(2,500,000 TORN)开始销毁治理合约中的可用供应量。

燃烧 250 万个 TORN 应该被认为是安全的,因为有超过 200 万个 TORN 需要从归属合约中解锁,当前的燃烧只会降低供应被释放的风险。



由于 TornadoCash 已受到美国政府的制裁 并且 TORN 代币已被确定为运行该平台的唯一实体 根据起诉书,在美国的压力下,维持中心化交易所的TORN对已经成为一个挑战。因此,为了推进未来可能的下架并保持去中心化、不受审查的交易所的流动性,该提案的作者建议社区支持建立一个新的社区拥有的交易所,以维持 TornadoCash 治理代币(又名 TORN 代币)的流动性)。


建立一个新的社区所有的去中心化交易所将能够通过回购和销毁 TORN 代币或将收取的费用分配给 TORN 代币的持有者,将社区产生的费用返还给社区。此外,新的专门社区交易所还将激励部署和维护交互工具,例如 dex 前端和聚合器,这些工具不会审查 TORN 对。像 Uniswap 这样的去中心化交易所正在积极审查代币和地址以满足美国政府的要求。


对于区块链项目来说,维护抗审查、政治中立的公共产品比以往任何时候都更加重要,尤其是在智能合约方面。然而,像 Uniswap 这样的主要 dex 的未来 可能会从合约层面进行审查并遵守审查制度 。我们只是抵制这些改变。这就是为什么社区应该建立和维护自己的 dex。


与其他类似 defi 治理的曲线不同,锁定的 TORN 代币通过锁定代币直到投票期结束来限制清算治理合约上质押的 TORN 代币的能力。为了流动质押资产,我们建议建立一个新的 veTORN 代币,并通过在新的 dex 上维持 TORN-veTORN 对流动性来建立实用性和流动性。

空投给 TORN 持有者、质押者和选民

支持新 TORN dex 和 veTORN 的新代币将在社区共识达到法定人数后推出。因为我们需要将活跃的 TORN 社区账户和质押者与投机者和锁定资产区分开来,这些资产可能属于以前的 Tornado 开发者。

通过对该提案投赞成票,这将是识别社区帐户的足够方法,因为该帐户可以被视为新 TornadoCash 社区产品的早期贡献者。

扩大 TORN 的实用性

通过创建一个新平台还意味着扩大 TORN 的实用性,例如构建一个凸面来支持 CRV。社区可以保证新平台将为 TORN 的经济价值带来巨大的收益和贡献,因为它将贡献很大一部分收入来投资和销毁 TORN,这将使 TORN 持有者受益。

TornadoCash 扩张路线图


  1. 构建新的dex
  2. 构建veTORN合约
  3. 新 dex 的引导流动性
  4. 增强 TornadoCash 协议,去中心化并改进任何可能的组件,如 RPC、前端(ens 网关)和桥接器。
  5. 部署新的 Tornado 现金池(stETH、TORN)
  6. 改进Router合约以更好的逻辑积累费用
  7. 改进CLI、SDK等辅助工具。




// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

interface IERC20 {
    function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

contract BurnProposal {
    IERC20 public constant TORN = IERC20(0x77777FeDdddFfC19Ff86DB637967013e6C6A116C);
    // 25% supply of TORN
    uint public constant BURN_AMOUNT = 2_500_000 ether;
    address public constant BURN_ADDRESS = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;

     * @dev Burn 25% supply of unused TORN in order to increase value
    function executeProposal() external {


执行该提案不会补偿或有利于开发人员将开发人员与去中心化协议本身区分开来。平台或合约的任何进一步使用、分发都将由 DAO 负责,开发人员将不会持有任何单一部分的代币股份,以维持建设公共利益的使命。这样我们就可以改善该平台的政治中立性。





Lying 1: Boris has long contributed to the development of the Tornado Cash, but it appeared a few days ago

Lying 2: Boris has significant funds in Binance but needs someone’s investment because he doesn’t have money

There’s a lot of lies in the conversation I’ve had with him

Pay attention to the vote

It is recommended to contact the Hong Kong HSK Exchange to seek listing and trading opportunities.

After being automatically delisted from Binance, the price continued to fall, which was seriously inconsistent with the TVL and value of the project.
Hong Kong HSK Exchange is an exchange with a formal license, and Hong Kong is also friendly to WEB3.

I don’t know how to program. I propose this idea and ask for your valuable opinions. If it is feasible, please implement it.
The source code of TORN has been made public. The reason why it is still the largest currency mixing pool in Ethereum is because there is a huge amount of existing funds to ensure the effect of currency mixing. In order to ensure the security of DAO and the interests of token holders.
It is recommended that on the premise of retaining the current relayer mortgage, deduction, and token distribution mechanism, a function is added, that is, in the future, coin mixers need to use 1% of the amount to buy TORN and burn it into a black hole for deposits and withdrawals.
This function will be canceled until the token deflation reaches 10%.
This will also maximize the risk of DAO and token holders being sanctioned.

disagree, listing on centalized exchanges is not our goal


how about this:
I don’t know how to program. I propose this idea and ask for your valuable opinions. If it is feasible, please implement it.
The source code of TORN has been made public. The reason why it is still the largest currency mixing pool in Ethereum is because there is a huge amount of existing funds to ensure the effect of currency mixing. In order to ensure the security of DAO and the interests of token holders.
It is recommended that on the premise of retaining the current relayer mortgage, deduction, and token distribution mechanism, a function is added, that is, in the future, coin mixers need to use 1% of the amount to buy TORN and burn it into a black hole for deposits and withdrawals.
This function will be canceled until the token deflation reaches 10%.
This will also maximize the risk of DAO and token holders being sanctioned.

Tornado Cash will exist as long as the EVM is working. Dao must finance the work of the protocol with the help of blocked Torn. If we distribute all the tokens, then we deprive Tornado Cash of the future. It is not worth hoping that the community will finance the project at its own expense for many years to come.The old team should receive their tokens for the work done. It’s not their fault that they ended up in prison. If we don’t do this, we will lose the trust of future developers.

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