Proposal 32: unregister cheating relayers

Main idea

This proposal seeks to finally patch a loophole in Tornado relayers contract which allowed cheating relayers after nullifying their balance to stake again about 40 torn and be listed in the previous ui and old local version from archived Github.

Familiarize yourself with the full context here:


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The Proposal contents can be divided into two parts: patching & redeploying the relayer registry implementation contract and unregister cheating relayers which are active in the past several months.

Relayers to unregister:

  1. tornrelayers.eth: proof of cheating
  2. available-reliable-relayer.eth: proof
  3. 0xtornadocash.eth: proof
  4. 0xtorn365.eth: proof
  5. moon-relayer.eth: proof

Lets smash all cheaters!